Colorectal cancer and diabetes, screening for colorectal cancer, family history, physical activity and nutrition

Preparing for sick days Type 1 and 2; Taking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) a nonprofit organization providing education to people with diabetes and medical professionals; Polyphenols and healthy holiday food options; Movement to relieve stress and muscle aches resulting from slouching and slumping at the computer

Concept of glimmers and related mindfulness practice; Subtle rewards of exercise; High protein and high fiber breakfast options; Skin tag review and treatment options

Countering diabetes stigma, Healthy habits to live well with diabetes; Three podcasts for people with diabetes; Nicotine dependence and support for smoking cessation; Fat classifications and food label reading

Reviews impact of poor oral health practices on brain health and encourages annual dental exams; Explores the primacy of protein in overall pattern of eating; Reviews physical activity recommendations by age groups and recommends free online programs offered by the Alaska Dept. of Health; Provides specific travel recommendations, including TSA identification and exemptions specific to diabetes care

Breathing, relaxation techniques and mental strategies to improve sleep quality; Vitamin D function, testing and dosage recommendations for DM patients; Statin effectiveness compared to dietary supplements; Food product open dating; Strategies to curb evening snacking.
Artificial sweeteners; Nutrition facts label and carbohydrate information, Vaccinations schedule 2022; Mobility and risk of frailty.
Neuropathy and daily foot care; Time restricted eating; Eating practice to improve CHO metabolism; Potato recipe; Fermented foods.
Mindful eating practices; Oral health (standards of care and daily); Canned vegetables (benefits and how to reduce sugar); Daily Value and %Daily Value; Ways to increase water intake and exercise; People First Language.